
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 06, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Jul 19, 2009

About Me

I'm a Glasgow-based photographer and self-confessed knowledge junkie bent on world domination. I'm fascinated by absolutely everything and find it impossible to limit my interest in photography to certain disciplines. I'll shoot everything. Even weddings.

Currently looking for people to help me explore ideas. I exhibit here and there. Have two semi-secret projects in the pipeline at the mo. Stay tuned.

I shoot a lot of Burlesque models, for some reason. They're lovely people. If you're a burlesque model, you should hire me to photograph you, 'cos I'm stonking brilliant at it.

I've been working freelance for the past three years, doing product shots (mainly jewellery), weddings (they're not as bad as everyone makes out), studio portraiture, location shoots, street photography, landscapes, wildlife, band stuff (live and promotional), burlesque stuff (likewise) and film festivals (brilliant fun). I spent a couple of years taking photos of drunk nightclubbers in the Classic Grand, which was a good laugh. I'm forever experimenting and jury-rigging bits of kit from household objects. I once built a honeycomb from drinking straws while waiting for Sean Connery to appear on the red carpet, and it worked a treat.

I'm currently working on putting together a studio (the space exists, it needs cleaning, the money's there, but the kit is still in the shop) so largely operating on a location basis at the moment. Fees are negotiable; I WILL cheerfully work TFP if you can convince me that it's a good idea, though of course I'm quite fond of eating and keeping a roof over my head and so forth. I'm always up for particularly spectacular/unusual/foolhardy shoots. Drop me a line. Limited to central Scotland unless it's for something *really* special, mind.

Currently shooting with a Canon 5D, using Canon flashguns with radio triggers for lighting, plus a somewhat alarming array of peripherals. I've been using Photoshop for about a decade and I'm fairly deft with it. Lots of people seem to resent the ol' PS, but provided it's used to enhance strong images rather than for turd-polishing purposes, it's invaluable.

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Models Worked With:
Cat Aclysmic (#626554)
Daiquiri Dusk (#599979)
Jane Faye (#354141)
Yvaine Lovegood (#1441131)
A great many delightful people who almost certainly don't use this website.

Actors, Writers, Comedians etc:
Jennie Kermode (
Robert Wringham (
Suzy Berry
Sean Biggerstaff
Billy Boyd
Ray Harryhausen (!!)
Plenty more exciting actors, I'm just listing the ones I've had one-on-one time with and lighting control over (oo-er).

Corporate Entities:
Eye For Film ( (staff photographer)
Classic Grand ( (staff photographer)
Glasgow Film Theatre (

Evening Times
Glasgow Gig Guide
The Skinny
Sundry websites (thousands of the bloody things. You know how it is.)