
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 17, 2024
Very Experienced
Apr 21, 2010

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About Me

One of the hardest things to do is write about yourself but here it goes.

I can remember back to the day when I got my first camera as a Christmas gift. It was 1974 and I was 10 years old. It was a Polaroid
SX-70 and I couldn’t wait to start taking pictures with it. Within 5 minutes I burned through the 2 packages of film that was also given to
me as a gift that day. My parents quickly tired of spending money on those expensive packages of self developing film and a few months
later for my birthday they bought me a new “special” camera. It was a Kodak Instamatic film camera for 110 film. Remember 110? This turned
out to be cheaper for the folks and it slowed me down with the picture taking a bit since I had to wait to get the film developed.

I continued to play around with my special 110 Kodak all the way to 1981, when I was a junior in high school and took my first photography
class. Now I really needed a super special camera and talked my parents into buying me a new one again, only this time it would be my
Christmas AND my birthday present. My first Nikon SLR. Angels sang the first time I started using this camera and I still have it today. I
can’t imagine the amount of shutter clicks that camera has without even the slightest problem. With this new highly advanced image maker
I found a way to express my thoughts and feelings all the while collecting a high school credit. It opened the world to me in ways I never thought it could. Thanks Mom and Dad!

After high school I found myself following my biggest dream of racing cars. I did so for nearly 10 years with moderate success but in the process I came to the reality that it would never turn into a huge money making effort ( actually it was the exact opposite) and went to school
for and starting working in the HVAC industry. I eventually started my own company, but all along still continued my love of photography.

I invested in lenses and flashes, filters and auto winders and went to sporting events, parties, weddings and so on and so on and
always brought my trusty Nikon. I soon was know by acquaintances and friends as the “camera guy”. I loved taking photos so much I
started working part time for a photography company that took photos for youth athletics. Those of you that have kids in sports, know the
ones. I did that more for the fun than the money, as I really didn’t get paid a whole lot, but it got me behind the lens doing what I loved to do.

Fast forward a bit, to the digital age, I bought my first digital camera. It was a Sony Cybershot, 3 mega pixel state-of-the-art blah, blah, blah , so ancient now, but WOW! It was so great at the time! Since then, I have continued to play and play and buy a newer, non-pro camera. And now, to keep up with the times, I have finally purchased my professional gear. Once again Nikon. It’s amazing how life goes sometimes, but my eyes have been opened again recently and my heart beats with enthusiasm, all thanks to one person who I believe to be my true soul mate. A fabulous photographer herself, she has taught me the artistic side of the photograph. She has inspired me to follow my passion. I couldn’t be happier. Thank you Jody. I love you so much. Which brings me to where I am today, my own photography company. My goal is to give my customer the best photo experience possible and deliver them life long memories that can be handed down from generation to generation. That to me would be the best legacy I could leave. My photographs.

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