Aaron Thompson Art Male Digital Artist


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Apr 30, 2013
Oct 18, 2010

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Perfecting pinup

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Using beauty beautifully

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About Me

[b]Latest update(s)[/b][quote]
I'm on haitus for right now.. to be honest I'm just a bit fed up with the whole process.

Like me on facebook!: [url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Thompson-Art/158573374199464]A Thompson Art[/url]

[b]Latest concept[/b] - I'm thinking of starting a set of pieces that involve nude models done in the classic image of religious icons and figures. I mean this to be a commentary on what we worship and not to be at all disrespectful.. if you're interested get in touch with me and I'll give you more details.

I'm also looking for a rather difficult shot.. the idea is two similar female models nude, in a somewhat hugging pose. Final result is a dark and light angel, and the dark angel tearing the wings off of the light angel.
[/quote][b]Want Some Digital Art?[/b][quote]
First, I don't charge for dramatics. Its art to me, its not business, and I don't want to cheapen what I do that way. So anything I do is TF, it can benefit your port and mine, and I get to do what I love by creating.

I also don't work on every image I'm asked to. I'm sorry, but if the shot doesn't speak to me, I just have to pass. That said, don't feel intimidated, I'm happy to look at anything and be honest about what I think I can do.

I do prefer to work with nudes (implied is fine). Its not out of some sort of pervy lust, I just hate clothing. I [i]can[/i] work with clothed shots from time to time, I just don't normally like to.

I'm also not really looking for your tall, leggy, super-skinny blonde. I love to work with models that have a different look, be it curvy, short, bald, tattooed, whatever it is.. I just find tall, skinny and blonde awfully boring. Nothing personal against tall, leggy, super-skinny blondes.. just not what I'm looking for.

So, if you want something to make your port shine, get in touch with me or email me some shots you have in mind to ati_art1 AT yahoo.com.
[/quote][b]Current concepts[/b][quote]
I've got a few ideas for dramatics I'm tossing around, anyone who's interested in collaborating with me on one or more, get in touch with me.
[i]"Sands of Time"[/i] - Young woman in the top of an hourglass, dissolving into sand and turning into an older woman in the bottom.
[i]"Picking up the Pieces"[/i] - Woman made of puzzle pieces, with a few pieces missing. [in progress]
[i]"Clearly Invisible"[/i] - Nude woman in the middle of a busy scene, turning invisible from no one noticing her. [in progress]
[i]"Choosing Beauty"[/i] Woman standing in her closet, torsos, legs, derrières, etc on the shelves instead of clothing.
[i]"Self Image"[/i] Female standing nude in a mirror, 'real' girl super-beauty edited, 'mirror' girl edited in reverse.. made worse than reality.
[/quote][b]About me[/b][quote]
Not sure if anyone cares, but in case you do.. I'm 30, live in tropical Ohio and I do this for a hobby/passion. Oh, and ladies, no worries about me looking for a date or trying to get you to webcam or any of that rubbish.. you're just not my type ;)[/quote][b]Get in touch with me[/b][quote]
FB:[url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Thompson-Art/158573374199464]A Thompson Art on FB[/url]
Deviantart: [url=http://atinfinium.deviantart.com/]ATInfinium on DA[/url]
Flickr: [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/atinfinium/]ATI on Flickr[/url]
Email: ati_art1@yahoo.com

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