
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 28, 2014
No Experience
Jul 26, 2011

About Me

My name is Tim, I organise a drawing group in Liverpool University's art society. We host life-drawing every Tuesday in the Sydney Jones Library. It's a very friendly group comprised mainly of students who enjoy life drawing and other artistic persuits. We're all complete amatures, since the university of liverpool has no art degree we're all philosophy/english/engineering/etc students.

I'm always looking for models to pose for us, and we try to mix it up sometimes with themed sessions - we've been in contact with some burlesque dancers and a group of medieval re-enactment people to pose for us in the near future. If you have any ideas along these lines please feel free to get in touch.

We pay £30 for two hours, usually 5-7pm, but it depends on whether the room is available in the library. The poses are usually very short at the beginning of the session, no more than 5 minutes, then they get progressively longer until about 20 minutes or so (I should just mention here for anyone not familiar with what life drawing is that the subject is nude.) There'll be a break after the first hour to stretch out and rest for a bit, and often we'll head down to the Cambridge pub afterwards for a pint or two where everyone is always more than welcome.

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Richard Glen · Model

Hi Tim,

Would be interested if suitable.

Vaughan Bailey · Model

Hi Tim I noticed that you are a Artist/Painter and from the Liverpool area. There is a networking event that i think would be very beneficial for you for the field that your in. There will be a few modeling agents scouting and acting agents scouting. Its a networking event for people in the field of Media, so models, dancers, Artists/Painters, actors, make up artists, director, cameramen, designers, stylists, photographers etc will be there. It will be a great way to get more work, exposure and knowledge of you field. I thought that i would let you know since you and the event is in Liverpool. if you interested in attending let me know and i will send you more info my email is

Susie Von Garter · Model

Hi. Sorry for the random wall post, but i just wanted to let you know about my facebook group. If you ever do TF work then it will come in handy for you to meet others in the industry you can collaborate with. If you are interested then the link is thanks. susie x

Michela_scott · Model

Worked with tim and the group, very friendly bunch they are too.
Had a great time thank you for having me :)

Wendy Louise Howard · Model

Hi Tim,
Thank you for the friend request.
Should you need me for any future work, feel free to give me a shout.
Kind regards
Wendy Louise xx
