
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Aug 06, 2014
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Shoot Nudes:
Oct 13, 2013
5' 5"
110 lbs
Skin Color:
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About Me

Thank you for taking the time to view my profile and portfolio!

I joined MM because I want to "put my name out there" and let people know who I am now, what I do, and who I want to be. I am looking to expand my portfolio, experiment new ideas, add universal and diverse looks to my portfolio, make connections, help aspiring/ professional photographers, show my passion, and what I can do. I am primarily an actor, that is my passion and I have some modeling experience but my true joy is acting. MM is a great social network for bringing professionals together and collaborating ideas.

I moved to Chicago from IA very recently and I moved here for acting and modeling. I am currently working as a full-time Brand Team Model. It's perfect for me because my personality reflects more. I am bubbly, fun, energetic, friendly, outgoing, easy-going, creative, innovative, motivated, and positive. I don't believe in pity parties or complaining, it simply will not get me or anyone else anywhere!

As of right now, I am looking to add specific looks to my portfolio that reflect more of who I am but also of who I could be just solely based off of the photograph. I am an actor so I want my photos to show that I can adapt into different diverse roles. I am ultimately looking forward to continually working with different photographers, but I am also hoping to find "my photographer" where we have mutual agreements, an understanding of each other, a professional relationship, feeding creative and imaginative input to each other, giving positive and motivational vibes, know what is expected of each other, and be able to routinely work together to bring new ideas to life. I am a fun person. I want to have fun while shooting. I want the photographer to be on the same page as I am. I want my photographer to have fun as well. I believe if we are on the same level we can create some beautiful photos together.

***I have been getting asked a wide range of questions regarding what specifically I will shoot within my comfort zone, my policies, escorts, my rates, and how experimental I am looking to get. I encourage everyone to read below if they wish to work with me. Please read below and RESPECT my policies.

1) Nudity and Implied Nude Shoots- I will NOT shoot nude with any photographer at this time. I am looking to add more diversity to my portfolio before I start shooting in that genre. I understand most photographers do shoot nude, but I want to take my portfolio in a different direction first. I am open to lingerie, pinup, boudoir, swimwear, and fitness as those can be very artistic, sexy and classy. I will only shoot IMPLIED NUDES when I have worked with a photographer previously. I will hear any ideas presented to me after we have worked together and built a comfort level. Do not misunderstand me, I want to add implied to my portfolio. I'm not saying 'no', I am saying 'not now'.

2) Meet and Greet- I have a policy on meeting before we begin our shoot (preferably, a minimum of 24 hours in advance). I also want to meet in a public setting like grabbing coffee or at or nearby the studio. I have done this for EVERY SINGLE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOSHOOT and I will not discontinue this policy. I want to know who you are, what you are looking to shoot, get a feel for each other, what you are going to do with the photos, how the photos will be released and in what context, coming to agreements, mainly to make sure we are on the same page and that we have a business relationship. I also usually bring an escort to the meet and greet, please feel free to do the same. After our first initial meet and greet, I will not have an escort for our meetings or shootings. If you are out of area and meeting right away is not an option then we need to further discuss references and if we can set up a facetime or Skype meeting. If this does not work for you, please don't contact me. My safety and knowing who I am working with is the most important thing to myself and family. If you won't respect this other photographers will. Keep in mind that I am a young female meeting someone online that I do not know to take photos of me that could end up who knows where. I have to keep a level mind.

3) Rates- My rates will be based solely off of the assignment and is negotiable. Compensating gigs will get priority appointments, then following will be the photographers I shoot with regularly (whether it is based off TF or compensation) and then I will make TF appointments. I want to help starting photographers out, meet different photographers, etc. and I will on my non-compensated time. When working with a "new photographer" I request feedback, credit, prints or disk and (hopefully) recommendation to others.

4) The 3 P's: Professional. Prompt. Punctual.-

Prompt- Monday thru Friday, I will do my very best to give a 24-48 hr response to MM messages, emails, phone calls, texts, etc. I am much easier to contact with a phone call. If we exchange phone numbers, please call me at any time unless you specifically make it clear for me to call you. Please leave a message if I do not answer your call as I am in a prior engagement. Please keep in mind that I am modeling/acting about 40 hours a week. If you are calling Friday evening, Saturday and/or Sunday, please accept that I may not return your call until after the weekend as most of my assignments are on the weekends. I am very good at returning missed calls on that following Monday. If it is for an immediate booking, please entail that with message delivery. Upon that being said, I expect to be left with an idea of when we can best both be in contact with each other. I understand opposite schedules, but with setting an appointment to speak to each other we will not be wasting each others time. Please do not constantly call me, I will return your call as soon I can. Text messaging is okay, but I prefer a phone call.

Professional- Whether you are an aspiring photographer or you are a professional, I expect you to maintain a business professional relationship with me. If you have any other intentions or intend to take me past my comfort level, please do not contact me. If you do not respect my boundaries, do not contact me. I'm not going to go over what I expect of a professional. We are all adults and should know what it takes to be professional. I'm not saying we can't have fun, but it is strictly a business professional relationship. I expect that of everyone I work with.

Punctual- Time is a precious thing. I understand important things come up and stuff happens. Please call at least three hours in advance if you are working with me in the city and need to reschedule. If you are out of area, I need a 24 hour notice of rescheduling. If you are going to be late, CALL ME. I have left shoots because of tardiness and no phone call, it's like a no call no show to me and it's unprofessional. If you do NOT show up, are routinely late, don't call me, I will not take priority with you and I may not work with you any further.

5) Escorts- I will bring an escort to our first initial meet and greet. I don't like to work with distractions so they will not be present for shooting or for further meetings. If I do not feel comfortable without my escort after our first meet and greet to be alone with you, I will not work with you. Nine out of ten times, I am dropped off and picked up from shooting by family or friends. Please don't take this personally, it is for my safety.

My policies truely do not ask for much on your part. Most of these policies are for my safety, peace of mind, and others peace of mind. I also just find them to be professional. Weeds out who I want to work with and don't want to work with. I am really a fun, outgoing, polite, friendly and just a generally respected person and I love meeting new people. This is a social network though and you never know who you could be meeting.

Please feel free to feed me ideas. I also have quite a few snaps that I would love to try. Thank you again for taking the time to view my profile and portfolio. I hope we can make some beautiful work together!

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