
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Feb 05, 2020
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Feb 09, 2016

About Me

Fils aîné du dessinateur de BD Eddy Paape, il débute la photo dans les années 1985 en mode pour divers magasines.
Puis part à l’étranger (USA, Caraïbes, Amérique Latine) pour plusieurs années et y fait un passage en graphisme et y crée un studio graphique.
Il revient à sa première carrière en 2010.
Aujourd’hui basé à Bruxelles au Studio Zola39Artstudio, il développe des concepts personnels, des repros d’oeuvres d’art et divers reportages.

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Valaya · Model

Hello! I like your portfolio. I planning to be in Brussels from 22 to 25 of November. If you interested to work with me - i will be glad. I work in styles: from portraits to art nude. Feel free to contact me.
Best regards

Aim model · Model

Hey I'm a full time model from Australia coming Belguim next week. I've worked in the industry for many years throughout AUS/NZ & parts of Europe. I'm also very experienced in a large variety of style & highly committed to paid work. If you or you know anyone who might like to hire me while I'm in Belguim for a few weeks, I'd love to know. Thanks so much, kind regards, hope to hear from you soon.

AriaRainbow · Model

Hi! =)
I'm an Italian model, a dancer and a really creative person. I'm planning my next trip in Belgium during the first week of October and I will be available for shootings. If you want to shoot with me, just let me know! =)
You can find more here:


Hey! :)

I hope you're doing great...

My name's Dovile, I'm a 26 years old Lithuanian model living in Paris. I've been posing for photos (sculpture, paintings, etc.) for the past 7 years. I'm a creative spirit altogether and everything that has to do with art fascinates me. I'm also into dance, writing, music, acting...

You can see part of my work on

I'll be in Brussels on 15-17 December for a shoot and I'd love to organize a few more things while I'm there. If by any chance, you're free one of these days, I'd love to shoot with you! :)

As far as my conditions go, well, there're not many :D I pose for fashion, lingerie, nude. I'm no expert in hair and make up but I can do a basic natural look. Modeling is my full time occupation, but I don't have any set rates or anything like that. I'm flexible and I adapt to each particular situation.

I you only shoot TF, this won't work this time, but maybe we could collaborate if you're ever in Paris :) When I'm traveling I except at least a symbolic compensation...

Well, let me know if you think we could create something together! :)

Hope to hear back from you soon,

Janna Evstafeva · Model

Hello, nice to meet you :)

I'm a model, you can see my portfolio on my page, or if you want see full portfolio - I can send to your email:)
I will be in Brussels 30 of September - 4 of October, and we can do shooting.
I work only in commercial terms, in any styles, including nude and topless, but DON'T work in open legs, erotic, lesbian, video, fetish (all), porno.

If u interested work with me you can write me - or whatsaap +38063-325-68-60.

Thanks, have a good day :)
