Stebra Photographer


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 15, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Nov 23, 2016

About Me

Every artist can keep his own work for himself or sell it - to few. But if he shares it, he makes a gift. Mine is a small one. Warm greetings to those who will accept it.

Tout artiste peut garder ses oeuvres pour lui-même ou les vendre -à un petit nombre. Mais s'il les partage c'est qu'alors il les offre en cadeau. C'est un cadeau très petit, le mien. Mon salut amical va à ceux qui l'accueillent.

Jeder Künstler kann sein eigenes Werk für sich behalten oder es an wenige verkaufen. Aber wenn er sein Kunstwerk teilt, ist das ein Geschenk. Meines ist ein sehr kleines Geschenk. Liebe Grüße an den, der es annimmt

Ogni artista può tenere per sé le proprie opere, o venderle - a pochi. Se le condivide invece fa un dono. Il mio è un dono molto piccolo.

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"It was nice to collaborate with him, he is highly devoted to his projects. He's been clear about what he had in mind since the beginning and involved me in the process by updating me regarding the steps he was taking to prepare the shooting (e.g. he made the props with his own hands). Easy-going and respectful, he made me feel at ease right away. I very much recommend him if you're looking for some inspirational work. " Read less

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