
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Oct 26, 2024
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Mar 25, 2022

About Me

Remember the Budweiser talking frog commercials that aired during the Superbowls? Most of the millions of American viewers who tuned in those years do, but ask those same football fans to give you the game final scores, and their memories suddenly become a lot shorter.
It's hard to point out why those thirty-second slots replay so vividly in our minds, but part of it has to be the methodical work of individuals such as Patrick Fraser, who has earned a living for the past decade editing commercials for corporate magnates like Budweiser, Jaguar, Nintendo, Target, McDonald's, Tommy Hilfiger,
Chevrolet and more.
Having more recently crossed over into the world of still frames, Fraser's photography employs the same techniques used by advertisers like McDonald's to keep people humming their jingles all day long. Without making a blatant pitch ("buy our burgers!"), Fraser's images speak to our emotions ("I'm lovin' it!"), blazing impressive messages into our consciousness along the way.
Fraser says his experience as a commercial editor "has been a huge influence on my photography, and actually, on every aspect of my life." He says that in commercial editing, the goal is to "manipulate the variables to make every image as beautiful, angry, or funny as pos-sible" to best convey the company's message.
"When you're watching a music video, for example, you're thinking, that's not how things ook when I go out to the club. That's the power of editing. It's the subtle light inflections, the way the image is framed, etc. that create that eye-popping, almost surreal look. You're not necessarily skewing the reality; you're enhancing or minimizing it to create an overall mood or concept."
The same thing applies to Fraser's photography... - brief excerpt from Teeze Magazine about me

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