MarkMarkMarkMarkMark Male Photographer


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Sep 11, 2024
Nov 13, 2005

About Me

I am not here to date. I am here to bake cookies, share recipes,gossip, and if there's time shoot photographs.

I have been a professional landscape photographer for a long time. Then i started shooting bands. Then i upgraded to pets. Then i moved on to people.

While I am a fan of making art, I am not a fan of vanity for the sake of ego. I know when its part of a shot or scene, and when someone is just a egomaniac. People that don't understand that need not contact me :) all you others... Id love to chat.

That being said... Yes, i think you are a beautiful model... No, that's not me coming on to You...

I'd prefer collaborative work. I'll shoot and do post, put em on a disc, and everyone's happy. If you want to pay me, I'd be happy to take your money, but I prefer vegan snacks and a hearty handshake. If you want me to pay you, you had better be damned worth it (and have the references to back it soup for you)

Feedback and criticisms are always accepted. As i stated, Im new to shooting people and i appreciate all critiques of my work.

Other than that...
I'm not going to pay your 250/hour asking price.
I don't do smut
I'm straight edge and would appreciate your not doing drugs around me
I am an avid baker of cupcakes, therefore you must enjoy cupcakes (if you like vegan cupcakes then we are golden)
I don't need to know your credits cause it really has nothing to do with what I'm doing; and if you think, "extra in a (insert local band I've never heard of) music video" allows you to charge more, I will raise my rates in kind
I like happy people
No cell phone baby daddy drama hoo ha during the shoot
Fake dog poop and hula hoops are always welcome
Intelligence, self-esteem, and bravado DO come through in a photo
I like funny accents and shadow puppets

If you're new to the game and want to build your portfolio, message me. If you're established and want free pictures, I can probably do that too. If you're a mean stupid jerk face silly head and want free pictures and then demand, after the fact, that I pay you...well then you sound like a prostitute and nobody wants that. So be up front about your intentions and expectations...I will do the same

(steps up to soap box... the crowd hushes...)
THAT being said - remember young models new to "the game" - NUDES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR YOU TO BE A FAMOUS MODEL!
I keep seeing young models go straight for the nudes, thinking that this is going to help them. Some creepy dude with a point and shoot taking your photo in his bedroom probably isnt the best choice for your first nude shoot. I'm not gonna shoot it either, I'm just saying - do your research people. If you're desperate to break into modelling, ask advice from more experienced models. They're actually pretty nice about offering advice.
Think about the myriad of models that came before you... they probably didnt go straight for the goods. Modesty is FAR sexier than who is not modest... yeah, we'll say that.
A well placed smile, raised eyebrow, or sly expression can be way more hot than exposing yourself.
Thank you
(steps down from box)

I hope i don't sound like a prick. Im a nice guy. I just don't like shitty people :)

I like to make music too

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Credit Notes

Ruth Goldstein's bath mitzvah
Little Timmy's 3rd birthday party
Dr. Ethel Applebaum's retirement dinner
The Silverstein wedding/family reunion
Do people actually care about this crap?
AAA mag
AP mag
Entertainment Today
East Coast Rocker
Aquarian mag
A little thing called... the internet!!!
Various websites and other nonsense

I'm also a published author and writer, credits include Penguin Books, Entertainment Today, AP, Smash Magazine, and probably a few more but I'm bored...