
Model Mayhem #:
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May 23, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Jul 26, 2007

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About Me

After a long absence (work and a few deaths in the family will do that to you, as will cancer treatment and longish recovery) it is time to get back. To shooting, to scanning (the port needs new pictures and/or better scans), to the darkroom.

I am semi-professional in the sense that photography is not my primary means of income but I do sell my photos. The sales, however, are to people who hang them on their walls rather than to high-paying commercial clients. I show my images in galleries (Montreal, Vancouver, Paris), but have not done so in a few years.

Magazine covers are full of perfect shots that, to me, have no interest beyond the technical near-perfection. I prefer to photograph people - portraits, nudes ("erotic" and "nude" are not the same things at all and so I did not include "erotica" or "glamour" in the list of genres; but see also below). I do NOT do porn, my wife would kill me. More importantly, it bores me (sex is like mathematics - not a spectator sport).

The model has two functions for me. The body can be used as an object to create geometry, shapes, shadows, and the face is then often absent since irrelevant. Or the body supports the face in an expression of some emotions - what fascinates  me is the person (often hiding) behind the eyes, between the ears, and that is what I like to capture. In either case, I am not really interested in making the technically perfect beauty shot with make-up, lighting, props (this does not mean that technique is not important, but it should serve the idea and one should not be slave to it).

I will not make your rich or famous. Indeed, most of my shoots are TFP (that means B&W film and wet process prints that you do not get in 24 hours), and TFCD. But I do share in sales revenue, if any, provided the contact information is kept current. And for special projects, I will happily pay.

I travel a lot and can be found in Montreal, Paris, Vancouver, Prague.

I took my personal website down when the host collapsed and I still have not replaced it (no time), one of these years.

Feel free to contact me so we can create an image or two. I will explore any  ideas a model might have, ask. And to be fair, since I prefer TFP/TFCD, I will work under similar conditions. It is, after all, a fair trade.

I'd especially like to hear from you if you are interested in black-and-white on film (35mm, 6x6) printed on archivally processed fibre-base paper in a limited edition. Such prints make great presents for boyfriends, lovers or even husbands, not to speak of memories when you are 97 and all your digital files have disappeared in the ether (and it might happen earlier).

A note on art, erotica, and related subjects.

Art is about feeling. Wise men say that all the stories have already been told in antiquity, new artists only retell them in different ways. Again, art really is about feeling - can the work evoke the emotions intended by the author? In photography, this means that a technically perfect image is boring and useless unless the technique serves the purpose of creating the feeling. In particular, a nude can be innocent yet produce many feelings (think Sally Mann), and it can be very explicit without exciting anything at all. Erotica, therefore, must produce lust on more than a hormonal level, it must get the viewer between the ears. As other wise men said, love was created by the invention of clothes. My erotic images are black-and-white, hide much, and I hope for them to be sensual, caressing, soft, gentle, loving.

I do have a few ideas about erotica in my sense of the word and I'll happily discuss them with interested models. I probably will not bring the subject up myself.


Friends ... I am not a collector, so requests are ignored or denied unless we have had previous contact (it could begin by a tag).

If I could make a few, not too many, model friends with whom to collaborate on a friendly basis long-term, I would be very happy. My old (sic) ones have aged, married, reproduced, moved and I need replacements.

Last updated 3 July 2023

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